For anyone who suspected that Paris Hilton was somehow behind the release of all her personal stuff on the Paris Exposed site here’s your answer. She’s suing the creators of the site and demanding they shut it down and return the items:
Paris Hilton is suing in an attempt to shut down a Web site that displays personal photos, videos, diaries and other belongings once kept at a storage facility. was launched last week claiming the items were auctioned off after Hilton neglected to pay the Los Angeles area storage facility. It also promises visitors who pay a fee of $39.97 access to Hilton’s passport, medical records and other legal documents.
The lawsuit alleges defendants Nabil and Nabila Haniss paid more than $2,700 for the contents of the storage unit and later sold the items for $10 million to entrepreneur Bardia Persa, who created
Hilton’s publicist says, in addition to shutting down the Web site, she would like all of the items returned to her.
$10 million sounds like a lot to pay for all that junk. They’d have to get 25,000 subscribers to reach $10 million, and it must have cost at least 75k to put all that stuff online.
It doesn’t really matter if the suit is successful or not, as most everyone interested in the story has seen Paris’ personal things and videos. It seems like they’ll be off the mainstream web soon, but will surely be available as torrents for years.
Paris is keeping a stiff upper lip, and was back working as a model for Fila in a photoshoot yesterday.