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Samantha Burke: my baby pouts just like daddy Jude Law

Yowza. Earlier today we told you about Jude Law’s baby-mama and her debut (and the debut of their daughter Sophia) on the cover of Britain’s Hello Magazine. When I did the first story, I hadn’t seen the cover shot of Samantha and Burke and Sophia yet. Now that I’m seeing it… well, regarding Samantha, I really don’t think this chick is 24 years old. Think about it – this is how she looks with magazine lighting magic. And she still looks like a 40-year-old chain smoker. As for the baby, she’s cute enough. She looks a little gassy. Do you think the Hello photographers could have waited a few minutes to let the poor baby have her bowel movement?

Samantha was reportedly paid $300,000 for the first pictures, and it looks like an extensive interview with Samantha was in the works too. Radar and other sources have excerpts from the interview, and let me just say this – I think this chick is crazy. I know, I know. She’s going through some stuff, she just had a baby, she’s worried about supporting herself (maybe), but Samantha comes across as very… clingy. But it’s something else, too, something more than clingy. Like, I get the feeling Samantha really thinks that once Jude sees her again and meets Sophia, he’s going to drop to one knee and propose. What is that called? Just “crazy”?

When asked whether Jude is going to eventually come down to Florida to meet Sophia, Samantha says, “There are no plans for it to happen at the moment, but I know he is busy. He’s a great father to his three kids. She is his daughter and I believe he’ll come through – Once you see her face, how can you deny it?” Okay, we see it, I guess. There’s no denying the DNA test, in any case, Sophia doesn’t even have to look like Jude. Even if Sophia does “pout” the same way Jude does. Oh, yes. Samantha said it.

Jude Law’s ‘baby-mama’ Samantha Burke has spoken-out about their love-child daughter Sophia Lee.

The Florida based model – who had her daughter following a brief fling with the superstar – revealed how she had to endure a marathon 25 hours of labor and how her daughter was born weighing just 5lbs 12oz.

Burke spoke after signing a lucrative deal with Hello Magazine in which her daughter and she posed for a glossy photo-shoot at her Florida home.

Law – who is currently starring in Hamlet on Broadway – has still not seen his new daughter who was born last month.

Burke – who reportedly scooped $300,000 for the photo shoot – revealed: “She’s already got such a personality – I think he’ll fall in love with her when he sees her.”

“Her features are more like Jude’s. She has his chin, and she does a little pout that I notice that he’s done before – I think her eyes are more like mine though.”

“You can’t always tell when they are so young but her eyes don’t have that big, glassy look that his do – mine are a little smaller and more like hers.”

In her interview Burke reveals how she met Law at a nightclub in New York and that he had not sent any gifts since heir daughter was born.

But she did admit that she hopes the father-of-three, who will soon be seen in Guy Ritchie’s new film Sherlock Holmes alongside Robert Downey Jnr, will come and visit Sophia soon.

She added: “I hope for him to be just as good a dad as he is to his three children by Sadie Frost.

“He’s a great father to his three kids. She is his daughter and I believe he’ll come through – I mean once you see her face how can you deny it?”

Law already has three children with former wife Rafferty, 13, Iris, 9, and Rudy, 7.

[From Radar]

Additionally, Samantha says: “I think of my relationship with my father, and I think it’s just as important as your relationship with your mother. I’m very hopeful that it’ll work out, for Sophia’s sake. All she needs is just to know that he’s there for her if she ever needs him. He’ll fall in love with her when he sees her.” Or he won’t fall in love with Sophia, he’ll just acknowledge her and keep on nailing every cocktail waitress and hostess who strikes his fancy until he creates an army of pouty, gassy, glassy-eyed babies.
