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The personal trainer of Khloe Kardashian, who has lost a lot of weight, spoke about her daily workou

Now we know how the reality TV star managed to get in great shape. Recently, Khloe Kardashian has changed beyond recognition, becoming a role model. She lost a lot of weight and, at the same time, pumped her body, becoming the owner of a thin waist, flat stomach, elastic buttocks, embossed arms, and legs.

All of this is the merit of clean nutrition and daily training under the supervision of her trainer Joel Buraim, who helped her achieve her goal. In a recent interview with Women’s Health, he spoke in detail about how Chloe’s workouts go.

She goes in for sports at least five times a week, constantly alternating loads. In addition, her luxurious home in Los Angeles has a state-of-the-art professional gym where she spends virtually every morning doing countless jumps, sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. All this helps her work out the muscles of her arms, legs, buttocks, and core, increase her level of physical fitness, and improve her figure.

Chloe focuses on strength training with her body weight, sometimes adding exercises with the additional weight, but only under the supervision of a trainer. Once a week, she dedicates a day to cardio or Pilates. In addition, Joel recalled the importance of rest between workouts, explaining that the results will appear only if the body has time to recover.

Otherwise, you can overtrain, negatively affecting the physical form; besides, the risk of earning mental injury increases. Therefore, weekends are as important a part of the training process as classes, and you should not forget about them.


Also, Chloe’s trainer shared with the publication that he is very proud of his ward, as they managed to develop in her the habit of exercising almost every day. And this comes not through force but through a constant desire to become the best version of yourself. He said that Kardashian even began to go to the gym to warm up well before an hour-long workout. Previously, they had to spend time on this instead of going straight to the lesson.
